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Do you love to travel?
You can have everything you have dreamt of and more?
What would you say if I were to telling you –
That you could do all the above and get paid for it!

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What people says:
Hi Cherie,
I want to tell you how wonderful your class was and if it weren’t for your class I would not have been offered the three jobs that I have accepted this week.
Last week I was offered a job with a Destination Management Company to start training with them the first week of April and I accepted it. At the beginning of the interview the company interviewer said ,”so you are Cherie Anderson trained,” and I said, “Yes.” His comment, “ that is good enough for me!”
Thanks, for a job well done!!
Myrna Orr
Cherie earned her Bachelors of Arts in Secondary Education from Arizona State University and completed her graduate work through California State University of Northridge. After graduation she started her professional career as a high school physical education instructor.
Loving what she did but not quite feeling that her dreams were being met Cherie decided to try some other options for her life searching for that perfect combination of professional career and something she could really be passionate about. Cherie found out about the remarkable job of Tour Director in the 1980's and knew immediately that was the profession she wanted. Through the years she has had amazing adventures starting out as a cruise host, Cherie was determined to break into the profession so with tenacity and perseverance, she was able to get her foot in the door and spent 2 years escorting cruise groups to Alaska, Mexico, the Panama Canal and the Caribbean. Going from shorter cruises to long distance cruises; she then spent her time cruising to China, Asia, throughout the South Pacific including Australia, New Zealand and Scandinavia just to name a few! She then went from a Cruise host to tour director and traveled across the world.
The proof is in the pudding. She has lived it!
Cherie knows the in's and out's of this industry and has been training tour directors and guides since 1993.
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